I have been MIA for so long and it almost killed me. I would whinge to my husband all the time for not being able to settle little Evelyn so that I could get some alone time to do things I liked. (I love taking care of Evie but beauty and makeup is my escape. It is the only thing that gives me a high/release when my nipples are sore from breastfeeding, covered in regurgitated said breast milk, and exhausted from entertaining a tireless little creature). So when this week I saw that one of my favorite bloggers Belly Head from Wondigondigo started following me I had a renewed determination to pick myself back up and get my act together.
So here I am 1:15am reviewing a new addition to my makeup stash for you all. Up on the chopping block (well, not really chopping block rather than golden podium. Because I have already titled this post a rant and rave) is a new customized Inglot Eyeshadow Palette.